Last Modified on March 26, 2025
गोंय लोक सेवा आयोग
Goa Public Service



In cases of Direct recruitment, the Commission advertises the posts in daily local newspaper, English, Marathi and Konkani. Generally advertisements are released on second Friday of the month in the newspaper viz. The Navhind Times, Herald, Lokmat, Tarun Bharat. Whenever there is urgency or in the event the advertisement is not released on second Friday of the month, the Advertisements are published on fourth Friday of the month. In case there is no response from the candidates to the advertisement published in the local dailies, the Commission releases advertisement in one national newspaper.In order to facilitate the response from prospective candidates in rural areas, copies of the advertisements are sent to the Office of the Collectorate, Mamlatdar, B.D.O, Police Stations for displaying on their Notice Board. The advertisements are also uploaded on the Commission’s website for wide publicity. The copies of the advertisements are sent to Goa Doordarshan and All India Radio for publicity. Similarly the advertisements notifying the vacancies are also published in the “Goa Vacancy & Tender Bulletin” issued by the Government Printing Press.

Information Under Right To Information Act:

The Deputy Secretary is appointed as Public Information Officer and Under Secretary is appointed as Assistant Public Information Officer under the Act.


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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