Last Modified on March 26, 2025
गोंय लोक सेवा आयोग
Goa Public Service

About Us

About Us

The Goa Public Service Commission is a body created by the Constitution of India. The Commission advises the Government on all matters relating to State Civil Services referred to it under Article 320 (3) of the Constitution.

The requisitions from the Government are received in the form of proposals indicating number of vacancies in a particular post in a department or cadre and the mode of filling up the vacancies. The mode of filling up the posts is either by direct recruitment inviting applications from the open market or by way of promotion from lower grades which are called feeder grades. The recruitment is strictly governed and guided by Recruitment Rules framed by the Government under Article 309 of the Constitution under the advice from the Commission. In case of direct recruitment the Commission publishes advertisement, notifies the number of vacancies with requirements of essential qualifications and experience as per the Recruitment Rules.

The reservation in favour of various categories like SC, ST, OBC, PH or CFF etc., are indicated as also the age limit. Only the candidates fulfilling all the essential requirements of the Recruitment Rules are considered to be eligible. Knowledge of Konkani is an essential qualification for direct recruitment in the State of Goa. Depending upon the number of candidates found eligible the candidates are short-listed by various methods viz. written tests and/or skill test and/or physical test and/or screening test and/or group discussions followed by an interview or only by an interview.

During interview the academic record of the candidates is taken into consideration. However, the performance of the candidates in the interview, his personality, patience, behaviour, general knowledge, promptitude, etc. are also taken into consideration. The Commission invariably takes assistance and advice of senior and experienced person in the relevant field. Accordingly, a merit list is prepared and sent to the government with recommendation to appoint the candidates in the order of merit. The candidates are informed that Commission is only a recommending authority and Commission’s advice is not binding on the Government.

At present the Commission deals with the recruitment or promotion only of “A” and “B” Group of Officers.


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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